National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

The NDIS provides supports to people living with a permanent and significant disability. Ramsey Speech Pathology can work with participants to achieve their goals and increase their ability to participate in everyday activities.

Ramsey Speech Pathology is a registered provider and adheres to the NDIS Practice Standards.

To find out more about the NDIS, visit their website here.


Participants may use their NDIS funds to access telehealth supports, including speech therapy sessions.


Ramsey Speech Pathology is a registered Medicare provider. Eligible clients can receive a rebate for speech pathology services under a Chronic Disease Management plan (CDM). This plan entitles clients to five subsidised sessions per calendar year. The current rebate is $60.35 (2024), and can be claimed through the Medicare Express Plus app using your paid invoice receipt from us. 

Please book a consultation with your child's GP prior to your initial speech pathology session. The referral form from the GP must be presented at your initial session in order to claim your rebate.

More information can be found on the Department of Health website.


In response to COVID-19, MBS telehealth services initially introduced on a temporary basis will now be permanent. More information can be found here.

Please note that gap payments are aligned with our standard private fees.

Private health

Your private health insurance may have extras cover that includes speech pathology services. Ask your fund if you are eligible to claim. 


Many Private Health Funds are offering customers with extras cover for speech pathology the option to make a claim for telehealth services. Ask your fund if you are able to claim.