Early Childhood
Sometimes, young children benefit from additional support to help them become autonomous communicators. At Ramsey Speech Pathology, we meet children where they're at, give them unrestricted access to any and all supports they need, and help facilitate joy and wellbeing.
We believe that every child is on their own unique developmental pathway. We facilitate naturalistic and intrinsically motivating interactions and play to help your child develop their early communication skills, such as:
Expressing themselves using a combination of gestures, signs, words, AAC, or other modes of communication.
Communicating for a range of purposes, such as to protest, connect, share ideas, etc.
Playing in ways that are authentic and meaningful for them.
Helping them advocate for their own communication and play preferences.
the importance of play
"Play is a child's work" - Alfred Adler
Play is how children learn about who they are and how the world works. It allows children to learn to communicate emotions, to think, be creative, solve problems, and so much more! When children are given the space to play in the way that is authentic and meaningful to them, we are also promoting deep restoration, learning, and connection.
At Ramsey Speech Pathology, we approach our therapy with the understanding that there’s no one “right way” to play, listen, share attention, or express yourself.
Contact us to learn more about how we can support your child's early communication development.
“Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children play is serious learning. Play is really the work of childhood. ”